A flower in my heart : blok 8
Wat gaat de tijd snel. Het achtste blok van de maand is er al, iets later deze keer door mijn vakantie maar toch voldoende op tijd om het tegen de vijftiende van de volgende maand af te krijgen.
Je kan dus weer naar hartelust appliqueren. 'k Zou zeggen: geniet ervan en vlieg erin!
How time flies! This is already block nr. 8, a few days later than planned but you still have enough time to get it ready before the next block will be published. I hope you will enjoy it. Go for it!
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Blok 6 heb ik wel!
groet Bernadet
groetjes Dorine
I just came to know about your blog and I liked it very much!! Forgive my dutch if it not correct... I learnt some dutch 7 years ago because I lived in Amsterdam for a while but I forgot much of it, though I can read a bit, speaking or writing would need some study hehe. I am also a quilter (beginner) in Spain and I will keep on visiting, both for looking at your great work and to practice my dutch (where are my grammar books!)
Groetjes and kusjes
Marta from Spain